At Canberra Montessori School we strive for a culture of ‘lifelong learning’ amongst both staff and students. Our professional development program provides a pathway for all staff to develop their passions as well as increase professional excellence at the school.
The principles of Montessori education can be applied to staff just as well as students, and with that in mind, a culture of peer learning and support is in place at the school. The CMS Leadership Team provides a focus for staff to reflect on their professional practice, looks for opportunities for improvement and is an active part of the planning and development of not just the educational program but of all aspects of the school.
We support staff to not only create amazing learning environments in their own classroom, but also to be an active part of an organisation driving the education sector forward. We encourage our team to look for examples of best practice and innovation in education from anywhere in the world, not just the Montessori environments, with the aim of providing your child with an education that will foster a life-long love of learning.