Our Location

Our school’s home is on the beautiful, architecturally ­designed campus in Holder, about 20 minutes from the centre of Canberra, in the heart of Weston Creek.

Our classrooms are spacious and designed to allow children to work in small groups with easy access to learning materials. Care has been taken in the design to ensure that the rooms cope comfortably with the extremes of Canberra weather, with a minimum of energy use.

Our philosophy is that the outside areas at the school are a natural extension of the learning environment inside the classrooms, and you will often find our children working outside in many locations around the school. The campus has been designed around our central Casuarina Grove, a peaceful, shady place for all members of our community. Our Learnscapes committee, made up of enthusiastic parents and staff, is dedicated to continually planning, developing and enhancing our environment and successful past projects include the development of our frog pond, our community orchard, the mini­forest at the rear of the school and the very welcoming garden beds that greet each visitor as they come down the path to our school.
