There is so much a small child is capable of if given the chance. They love to feel part of the household and to contribute by doing ‘grown up’ tasks. In turn, the practice of these activities aid the child to develop …
- a sense of order
- sequencing skills (of activities and events),
- self-control,
- independence,
- self-esteem
- and a love of learning.
A child’s personality, intellect and social relationship skills develop from active, purposeful interaction and work during everyday family life in the home.
Practice of these activities allows the young child to …
- perfect their movements,
- develop concentration and focus
- and develop control of the will.
This booklet outlines many activities in the home that children from about 18 months will enjoy and continue to participate in as they grow up.
Enjoy this slower, relaxed time at home together and help your child to build a sense of home, what family means, and how to be together and remember … allow lots of time for practising these activities at home!