Our Values

When the staff and families of the CMS community were invited to articulate the enduring values that distinctly reflect the CMS experience, a remarkable consensus emerged. This process yielded a defined set of values that not only unify the community but also serve as a guiding framework for future planning, underpinning all our endeavors. In January 2023, Canberra Montessori School introduced its new values and vision and a comprehensive five-year Strategic Plan. This initiative followed extensive research in the field of early childhood education, involving consultation with essential stakeholders and thoughtful reflection on the findings. Currently, the draft version of CMS’s values and mission statement has been collaboratively reviewed with our dedicated staff. We are now actively seeking valuable inputs and feedback from parents and the broader community to ensure a shared and inclusive vision for the future. Our overarching goal is to create an outstanding educational and nurturing environment that benefits not only our children but also their families and our staff.


At Canberra Montessori School, respect is foundational. It emphasizes treating each child as a unique individual with their own strengths, interests, and pace of learning. Teachers, students, and staff respect each other’s thoughts, feelings, and boundaries. Respect also extends to the environment, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the classroom materials and the natural world. Through respect, children learn to appreciate diversity, empathy, and kindness.


Canberra Montessori School places a strong emphasis on fostering curiosity and a love of learning. Curiosity is encouraged through hands-on exploration, inquiry-based activities, and open-ended questions. Students are given the freedom to follow their interests and pursue knowledge at their own pace, sparking a lifelong passion for learning. Teachers nurture curiosity by creating an environment that stimulates the senses, encourages experimentation, and celebrates the joy of discovery. Embracing curiosity helps children develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a deep understanding of the world around them.


At the heart of Montessori philosophy is the belief in the interconnectedness of all things. We believe in building strong connections – with ourselves, with others, and with the world around us. Students learn about their place in different communities, from their classroom to the wider world. Through working together on projects, playing in groups, and learning about feelings, children develop empathy, cooperation, and a sense of belonging.

This connection also extends to nature, teaching students to care for the environment. At CMS we aim to nurture caring, socially aware individuals who want to make the world a better place.

We also respect children’s abilities and believe they can make a difference by learning about important issues. As teachers, we are always learning too, and we support our colleagues and wider school community.  By working closely with our local community, we help children feel proud of where they live. Together, we create a welcoming, supportive environment where everyone can grow and make a positive impact.

Please see below CMS Business Plan that aligns with our Values and Vision: